Have you had this happen to you?
reading through your email and one sets your nerves on edge.
The email looks
and sounds official, but makes a startling claim. You believe it because it was
sent by someone you trust.
The problem is that the message may be FALSE.
I’ve recently
received calls from frightened clients who have heard about dramatic changes in Medicare. One stated that “Obamacare” will not pay for surgery for people over
the age of 70. Another claimed that patients
age 76 and older must be admitted to the hospital by their primary care
physicians in order to be covered by Medicare. Both are completely false.
There are no provisions in the health-care law that authorizes
changes in care based on age. In fact, the Independent Payment Advisory Board
which was established to help control the growth in Medicare costs is prohibited from rationing care, from
making decisions about what benefits will or won’t be covered, and from
increasing beneficiaries’ premiums or cost sharing.
If you receive emails
with alarming claims about Medicare or “Obamacare,” you can do some detective
work to check the validity of a story by looking it up on factcheck.org or
In the meantime, you
have my commitment that I will keep you informed of any major changes that will
affect Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans and the Affordable Care Act
(Obamacare.) Important updates will be reported on my website, in our
newsletter and in articles I write for local newspapers and blogs.
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