Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The survey results are in. Some may surprise you.

The second annual United States of Aging Survey results are in. UnitedHealthcare, USA TODAY, and the National Council on Aging (NCOA) interviewed 4,000 U.S. adults for their views on and experiences with health preparedness, financial security, community support and technology use.

“The United States of Aging Survey has shown us for two years now that seniors are an optimistic group,” said Rhonda Randall, D.O., chief medical officer, UnitedHealthcare Medicare & Retirement. “By studying seniors’ priorities, successes and unmet needs, we hope to identify the services, programs and infrastructure that best support older adults so that future generations of seniors can have this same sense of optimism as they age.”

In general, seniors are optimistic, but it seems the optimism differs based on a person’s health and financial situation. Below are a few highlights from the survey.
The survey found most seniors express little concern about the status of their health today. At the same time, many are not investing in activities that are important to help manage their health for the long-term. The survey also found:
  • Although 6 in 10 seniors describe their health in the past year as “normal,” 65 percent of seniors report at least two chronic health conditions.
  • A majority (84 percent) say it is not very or not at all difficult to perform regular activities independently.
The survey found the opportunities for health improvement are even greater among low income seniors and those with chronic health conditions. The survey also found:
  • Low income seniors, in particular, report challenges in managing their health. Seventy-five percent of low income seniors with one or more chronic health condition face at least one barrier, such as lack of energy or money versus 53 percent of seniors overall.
The survey found that although most seniors are comfortable with their current financial situation, a majority of seniors express concerns about their long-term financial security. The survey also found:
  • More than half (53 percent) of seniors are concerned that their savings and income will be sufficient to last the rest of their life.
  • Forty-one percent of working seniors indicate Social Security will be their primary source of retirement income (compared with 23 percent of adults aged 18-59).
The survey found that while the majority of seniors agree that their community is responsive to their needs, many lack confidence that their community is prepared to the meet the needs of a growing senior population. The survey also found:
  • Nearly three-fourths (71 percent) of seniors say their community is responsive to their needs versus 61 percent of adults aged 18-59.
  • Only 1 in 2 (49 percent) seniors believe their community is doing enough to prepare for the future needs of the growing senior population (versus 45 percent of adults aged 18-59).
Naturally, people experience aging in different ways. To learn more on how other seniors experience aging or to get complete United States of Aging Survey results, visit
For more information, contact the Medicare helpline 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227), TTY 1-877-486-2048. If you have questions about Medicare Made Clear, call 1-877-619-5582, TTY 711, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. local time, seven days a week.


Medicare Made Clear talks about 2012 US of Aging results:
United States of Aging Survey: National Council on Aging (
Eldercare Locator: Resources and topics for healthy aging –

Saturday, July 27, 2013

1200 Lake County residents to turn 65 before the end of 2013.

More than 1200 people in Lake County, Ohio will be turning age 65 and going on Medicare before the end of 2013. To help bridge any Medicare information gaps, I will be presenting 90 minute informational sessions called,  "Getting Started with Medicare,"  at the following locations:
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Morley Library
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
814 Phelps St.
Painesville, OH 44077
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Fairport Harbor Library
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
335 Vine Street
Fairport Harbor, OH 44077
For a complete list of other class dates and times, visit or call Mutsko Insurance Services at 440-255-5700.
Sessions are educational only: no specific insurance products or prices will be discussed.  Some fee may be required by individual locations. Pre-registration is required.
Don't guess about your health insurance. Get the facts. Plan to attend one of my classes before you need to make important decisions about Medicare. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Health care insurance issues will dominate this fall.

Even though it’s only July, I'm preparing for a very busy fall and winter. Consumers are likely to be inundated with confusing information on Healthcare Reform Exchanges and Medicare Open Enrollment as soon as all the issues are finalized.

That's where I can help you.

I will be selling both Private and Federal Health Care Reform Exchanges once they become available later this year. I have been trained and am prepared to counsel individuals and businesses on upcoming required options for health plans.

Whether you are looking for health care information for yourself, your family or your business, I can help. Please refer your friends or family who are looking for a reliable agent to help them navigate the maze of information on Health Care Reform and/or Medicare changes for 2014.  I’ll help them purchase the Health Care Exchange or the Medicare Advantage Plan that will best suit their needs.

 Call me at 440-255-5700 with your concerns and we'll arrange a time to talk.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

There's No Family Plan with Medicare

The transition to Medicare often presents a dilemma for married couples who get their health insurance through the older spouse’s employer. When that spouse transitions to Medicare, the younger spouse, domestic partner and any dependents may be left without medical coverage.

If you and your spouse are in this situation, you have some considerations:
-          How many years will it be before the younger person becomes eligible for Medicare?

-          Does the younger spouse have access to a health plan through their employer?

-          Are there retiree health benefits from the spouse’s former employer that will cover the younger spouse? 

-          Does the younger spouse have a pre-existing condition that may be an obstacle to getting medical coverage.  (Beginning in 2014, an insurer can no longer discriminate on the basis of pre-existing conditions as part of the Affordable Care Act.)

Alternative health insurance options for younger spouses do exist.  Click here to learn some of your options: