Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Resolutions for me

Happy New Year!
This year, as I take stock and think about my personal goals for 2013, I’m making some professional resolutions for myself, too. The most important one is to improve and expand my communications with you in 2013.
There's going to be many changes in health insurance and Medicare that will affect you. My resolution is to make sure you get all the facts as quickly as possible.

This year, I will be providing an email version of our newsletter to get information out in a more timely fashion. I often come across interesting updates that I would like to share, but there’s never enough space in our newsletter to fit it all in.The email newsletter will help fix  this.

I also will offer on-site workplace Medicare classes to assist those of you who will be transitioning to Medicare. Many businesses don't have the staff or the time to know all that's changing with Medicare today. That's where I can help out. These classes are good for employees and good for your business's bottom line. Just call me to ask how it works.

I will continue to regularly post items of interest and answer your questions on my website at, in my column in the Lake Community Newspapers and on my blog at You are always welcome to email me at

Thursday, December 27, 2012

News about Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates and Medicare

Drugs no longer excluded from Medicare
Starting in January, 2013, Medicare Part D prescription drug plans will cover benzodiazepines and barbiturates used in the treatment of epilepsy, cancer and chronic mental disorder.

For more information, visit for details.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Don't get caught short if you made changes during Medicare Open Enrollment?

So, do you feel pretty good about the changes you made during Medicare’s Open Enrollment
period? Perhaps you switched from one Medicare Advantage Plan to another. Or, you changed to
a plan that has better coverage for your prescriptions. Congratulations on making these changes.
But, there are still a few things to do before your work is done. Here are five steps you can take
now to smooth the transition to your new Plan.
1.  Cancel your supplement coverage 
Your Supplement is not automatically cancelled when you switch to an Advantage Plan. Did you cancel your Supplement coverage? Although some companies will cancel and make changes over the
phone, others require a written request so ask what your insurer requires.

2.  Cancel your automatic withdrawals.

Were your premiums being automatically withdrawn from your checking or savings account?
Cancel your withdrawal with the insurance company and then follow up with your financial
institution to make sure the automatic withdrawal is cancelled.

3.  Tell your doctor

If you changed from one Advantage Plan to another, let your doctors know the first time you see them in the new year. If your doctore unknowingly files for reimbursement with the wrong insurance
company, it will cause confusion and delays in payment.

4.  Tell your pharmacy
Present your new insurance cards to your pharmacy before you need your next prescription. Don’t wait until you need a refill or have an emergency before you make this change.

5.  Check any new requirements.

Some medications require a pre-authorization from your physician. If you have needed this in the past, check your coverage and then contact your doctor before you need a prescription refill.

Taking these steps now will help you side-step any potential problems with your new health care plan. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Attention Military Veterans

Attention Military Veterans

If you are a client of Mutsko Insurance Services and served in any branch of the Military, we would like to know. Occasionally we hear about special plans and programs specifically for Veterans and like to let people know about these.
Please call our office at 440-255-5700 or email me at with this information. 




Thursday, December 13, 2012

Now representing Coventry Life & Health and Humana

I am pleased to announce that I am now authorized to represent two additional organizations, Humana and Coventry Insurance. Both are highly respected companies who offer health insurance
plans for individuals and families as well as Medicare Advantage plans.

Representing numerous trusted insurance companies enables me to better serve your needs by offering more choices. For a complete list of all the insurance companies I represent, please visit my website at and click on products and services.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Getting Started with Medicare Classes: Lorain, Lyndhurst, Cleveland Hts., Kenston

Schedule for upcoming 'Getting Started with Medicare' Classes

Are you or your spouse going on Medicare soon? If you're like most baby boomers, you probably have a lot of questions about this change. Get your questions answered by attending "Getting Started with Medicare."   It's a class designed to prepare you for your transition to Medicare.
I present these classes throughout Northeast Ohio all year long. I would be happy to do a special presentation for your club, church group or veterans organization. Just give me a call to arrange a date.

For a complete list of upcoming classes click here:
Here's where I'll be in December and January:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Lorain County Community College
Elyria Campus
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
1005 N. Abbe Road
Elyria, OH 44035
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Lyndhurst YMCA
7:00 – 8:30 pm
5000 Mayfield Road
Lyndhurst, OH 44124

Thursday, January 17, 2013
Cleveland Heights-University Heights Libraries
Coventry Branch Library
6:30 – 8:30 pm
1925 Coventry Road
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Kenston Middle School
6:30 pm- 8:30 pm
17425 Snyder Rd.
Betty Patton Room 229
Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
440-543-2552 - Call to register and for fee information
 These events are only for educational purposes and no plan specific benefits or details will be shared.
Pre-registration is required for all classes.
Please call the specific location to register and for any additional details

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Medicare and your flu shot

I just heard on the news today that doctors are seeing an early start to the influenza season in Northeast Ohio. This means that in a couple of weeks when we are enjoying holiday parties and family gatherings, we may be coming in contact with a lot of unwelcome flu germs.

Don't take chances. You still have time to protect yourself and your family by getting your flu shot now. Medicare Part B covers a shot once per flu season in the fall or winter. You pay nothing for the shot and Part B deductible doesn't apply if you have Medicare.

If you have any question about Medicare covering your flu shots immunizations, visit the government's official Medicare website at